Friends of Lakeside Nature Center
From its founding in 1983, Friends of Lakeside Nature Center (FOLNC) have supported the Center with volunteers and funding.
There are several volunteer opportunities with FOLNC.
Friends can assist with educational outreach to schools and groups, event staffing, invasive species removal and animal care for animals in need.
Volunteer in the Native Gardens
Join us for a native garden volunteer event to remove invasive species, trim and plant natives and maintain/improve the native gardens around the Nature Center.
To learn more about volunteering, call the Center at (816) 513-8960 or fill out an inquiry form.
Friends of
Fox Hollow
Friends of Fox Hollow support the Fox Hollow trail system with invasive species removal events, trail maintenance and improvements and the annual Fox Hollow Festival.
To learn more about volunteering, call the Center at (816) 513-8960 or fill out our Fox Hollow inquiry form.