The Hogan is located at 7326 Oakwood Dr., Kansas City, MO 64132 and has been used by scout groups and organizations for service projects for many years.
This area is not for open public camping and is only available to scouts and related groups.
The octagon shaped building, with a fire ring in the center, is a great indoor retreat and the surrounding grounds are perfect for tent pitching. The nearby fire ring and glade trail make it the perfect setting for an overnight. Call (816) 513-8960 for information and reservations.
Rental Rates
- $60 up to 4 hours
- $120 4 to 8 hours
- $175 9 to 24 hours
- $20 per day for scouts with service projects **
** For groups doing service projects: please contact the Parks staff member no later than 2 weeks prior to rental (contact information will be given at time of reservation).
Facility capacity: 40 persons, sleepover 15 maximum inside building.
25 scouts per troop, maximum of 2 troops per event.
Chaperone ratio: 1 adult per 10 scouts ages 10+; 1 adult per 5 scouts ages 6-9.
Troop leaders must arrange a service project with Parks staff to receive discount rate.
• A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to hold the reservation and is due one week from rental confirmation. Deposit will be applied towards the total fee unless rental is cancelled.
• Full payment is due ten days prior to rental. Failure to apply full payment may result in rental cancellation.
• Payment may be received in the form of cash, check or money order. Please make checks payable to Lakeside Nature Center.
• No alcoholic beverages. As a City of Kansas City, Missouri owned property, no alcohol will be allowed unless there has been a license issued to do so.
• No smoking. There will be no smoking on this property. Since this is in the ‘heart of the woods’, there is potential danger for wildfire. Your consideration in this matter is appreciated.
• No outdoor grills. Fire ring is available for campfire with permission.
• No parking in the grassy areas. There is off-street parking for all visitors on gravel or paved lots.
• No off-road vehicles. Trails are for foot and bike traffic only.
• No pets allowed in facilities except service animals. Dogs are allowed on trails on a leash.
• All trash must be disposed of properly in the trash receptacle outside of The Hogan.
• Recycling of metal, plastic bottles, paper board, glass and clean paper is available after your event at Lakeside Nature Center and is highly encouraged.
All events must end no later than 8 pm. Everyone must vacate the area no later than 8:30 pm (unless event is scheduled for overnight).
Overnight events will be issued a key to the facility gate which MUST BE RETURNED TO LAKESIDE NATURE CENTER following the rental. This is for your access in case of an emergency during the night.
Both gates, entrance and exit, must be securely locked at dusk unless other arrangements have previously been made with Lakeside Nature Center staff. A Parks staff member may be on site to assist.