Celebrate Urban Birds

Events: 10:00 am - Hike with a naturalist 11:00 am - Meet our Peregrine Falcon 12:00 pm - Talk about Urban Birds 1:00 pm - Meet our Red Tailed Hawk All Day: Browse educational tables Get a tattoo Make a take-home craft Info on how to make your yard safe for birds - catios, birdhouses […]

Trunk or Treat

We will be hosting our 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat event on Sunday, October 16, 2022, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (see informational flyer below). Because we want to make sure this is safe for all our participants, it will be a drive-thru event. We will have spooky trunks full of goodies (both candy […]

What’s Out at Night

Owl Animal Encounter Raptor Task Force Presentation Owl Animal Encounter

How Animals Survive in Extreme Weather

How Animals Deal with extreme Temperatures: Learn how animals deal with extreme temperatures from hot to cold. Encounters / Presentations: 10:30 am - Wilma (Brumation) and Snake (Hibernation) 11:30 am - Temperature Talk 12:30 pm - Turkey Vulture (Migration)

Mother Nature Reads

Lakeside Nature Center 4701 E Gregory Blvd, Kansas City, MO, United States

Bring your children for a fun morning and hear Mother Nature read a story. Make a craft and take it home. An education animal might make an appearance.


Chipotle Fundraiser for Friends of Fox Hollow

Chipotle 501 W 75th Street, Kansas City, United States

Chipotle Fundraiser for Greater KC American Assoc. of Zoo Keepers, to benefit Friends of Fox Hollow Trail. At the 501 W. 75th St., Kansas City, MO restaurant only. 33% of event sales get donated to the cause. Order online for pickup using code 7ABD4GE, mention the fundraiser or show a digital or paper flyer to the […]

All About Babies

Lakeside Nature Center 4701 E Gregory Blvd, Kansas City, MO, United States

Wildlife that is! Learn about common Missouri wildlife babies and how you can help to keep families together. Encounters / Presentations: 10:30 am - Screech Owl (baby bird season) 11:30 am - Raptor Task Force 12:30 pm - Flying Squirrel (mammal reuniting) All Day Make a Keychain Get a tattoo Visit educational tables


Fox Hollow Trail Work Day

Lakeside Nature Center 4701 E Gregory Blvd, Kansas City, MO, United States

Volunteers remove invasive species, plant natives and maintain/improve the Fox Hollow trail system. Please email foxhollow@lakesidenaturecenter.org if you are planning to attend and if you need loppers and/or a hand saw provided. These workdays are weather dependent. You will be emailed if the day is cancelled due to inclement conditions. Volunteers will gather at the […]

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